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Veterinarians, Farriers and Maggot Therapy

Not just for humans, Medicinal MaggotsTM have proven to be a highly effective treatment for infected and non-healing animal wounds too. Our products have been widely utilized in veterinary care providing a natural and inexpensive solution for hoof and other wounds. Contact us at (949) 679-3000 or to order and request special pricing. We also manufacture custom veterinary products upon request and with advanced notice. Additionally, we can arrange to have an equine maggot therapy consultant available to answer your questions by phone or video, if necessary.

Published Research on Maggot Therapy in Animals

Explore several publications reporting the use of maggot therapy in small and large animals:

  • Bell NJ, Thomas S. Use of sterile maggots to treat panniculitis in an aged donkey. Vet Rec. 2001 Dec 22-29;149(25):768-70.
  • Dixon OH. The treatment of chronic osteomyelitis and other suppurative infections with live maggots. The Veterinary Bulletin 1933. 27:16-20.
  • Dicke RJ. Maggot treatment of actinomycosis. J Econ Entomol 1953;46:706–707.
  • Iversen E. Methods of treating injuries of work animals. Buffalo Bulletin. 1996. 15(2): 34-7.
  • Jurga F, with Morrison S. Maggot debridement therapy. Hoofcare and Lameness. 78:28-31.
  • Lepage OM, Doumbia A, Perron-Lepage MF, Gangl M. The use of maggot debridement therapy in 41 equids. Equine Vet J Suppl. 2012;(43):120-5.
  • Morrison, S. Foot Management. Clinical Techniqus in Equine Practice. Vol. 3, Issue 1, 71-82. March 2004
  • Morrison S. How to use sterile maggot debridement therapy for foot infections of the horse. AAEP Proceedings, 2005. Vol 51.
  • Sherman RA, Stevens H, Ng D, Iversen E. Treating wounds in small animals with maggot debridement therapy: A survey of practitioners. Vet J. 2005 Dec 27.
  • Sherman RA, Morrison S, Ng D. Maggot debridement therapy for serious horse wounds – a survey of practitioners. Vet J. 2007 Jul;174(1):86-91. Epub 2006 Jul 10.